
The Crawling Chaos....

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Darkstalkers 4 Boogeyman Quotes

“FrOm EvEn ThE GrEaTeSt oF HorrOrs... IrOny iS sElDoM AbSenT.”

"i cAn UnDersTanD fEAr ToWardS AngEr... iT cAn lEaD tO pAiN... aNd, iSolATiOn. fEAr clOuDs tHe BeaUtY oF AngEr. An UnLeaSh Of eMotiOnS... nOthIng tO HidE. AngEr... hOnEstY iN It's pUreSt FoRm."

"whAt yOu hAVe gOt tO fEAr... iS thOsE WhO SmIlE. YoU lEt thEm iN... aNd GreAtEr DaMage iS DoNe... FrOm thE InSidE."

"WhAt's ThE pOiNt oF AttAckIng... iF i wAnT yOu tO Do It?"

"mUtIlAtE mE All yOu wAnT... i wIll JusT cOmE bAcK AnGrIer."

"shE StIll lIvEs... bUt... iS shE wItH yOu?"

"thIs iS WhAt i lOvE AbOuT pErSpEctIvEs... shE's As DeAd aS yOuR FrIenD."

"yOu mUsT bE WoNdErInG iF i'M In AnY Of ThiS rOoMs... noT eXacTlY... i'm EvErYwHeRe."

“beLiEve OnLy hAlF oF WhAt yOu sEe... aNd nOthInG ThAt yoU hEaR.”

“ThErE ArE mOmEnTs WheN EveN tO The sObEr eYe Of ReAsOn... thE WorlD oF hUmAnItY MaY AsSuMe thE SeMbLaNcE Of hEll. ”

“PeRvErSiTy... iS ThE hUmAn ThiRsT fOr sElF-TorTuRe.”

“i ReAllY HavE ThE HeArt oF a SmAll BoY. i KeEp iT... iN a jAr... oN mY dEsK.”

“i dO NoT LoVe mEn... i lOvE WhAt DeVoUrS TheM.”

"i aM NoT whO i SeEm To bE... buT i wAs SuPpOseD tO Be WhO I sEeM To bE."

"ThE oNlY ThInG ThAt hUmAnS aRe eQuaL iN... Is DeAtH."
To Nyarlathotep must all things be told.

For he is the messenger between the spheres, and the traveller between the realms of the living and the dead.

He shall summon forth the Ancient Ones and wake them from their deathless slumber. Then shall the elder signs be shattered and the Lords of Darkness be released.…
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Thunder-the-Coyote's avatar
I can actually do a PERFECT demonic voice, so reading this was no problem for me.